
Which service are you registering for?
Will we be working in-person or online?

Contact details

Please enter a contact number in case I need to contact you at short notice (mobile preferred)
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Please note you will not be contacted by post without your permission, except in the event of unpaid invoices.
Are you staying at the above address currently?
This is just in case you become ill in the session and I need to let somebody know where you are.
Select all applicable


Do you have any medical conditions or disabilities
Please give details of any medication you are taking

Emergency contact

Please provide the name and number of a trusted person I can contact in the event of an emergency situation arising during a session. This could be a friend or a family member or your GP surgery.

This form submits your contact details to Julia Scott for accounting purposes and your GP details in case I need to contact them in an emergency. Please read my Privacy Policy to find out how I protect and manage your data.
